Fall Out
September 14 – December 13, 2009
With Robyn Cumming, Simone Jones, Erika Kierulf, Zilvinas Kempinas, Kristiina Lahde, Paul Litherland, Valerian Maly, Tom Sherman, and Don Simmons
Curated by Christof Migone
Live the lives, live them all,
Keep the dreams separate,
See: I rise, See: I fall
Am an other, am no other.
Paul Celan
An exhibition bound by gravity. An exhibition where to be bound by gravity will be considered, diverted, inverted. Some work will defy gravity, others will simultaneously defy and confirm its inevitable pull. Yet others will allude to the rise and fall in Celan’s epigraph and feature the ebb and flow of breathing as well as his notion of the self as ‘other’. Tactics involving wind and magnetism, amongst others, are recruited to counter the fated force of attraction which ties our feet to the ground and keeps the Earth spinning around the Sun. Orbits are relationships defined by thwarted falls, they dance the push and pull pairing of two bodies. The physiological and psychological impact of gravity will warrant particular attention in this exhibition (with a special nod to Philippe Halsman's Jumpology project). Fall Out will also be a study of outcomes, epiphanies and consequences. It will be an examination of remnants and how they act as triggers in perennial permutation—in other words, Fall Out will dwell on a fall out that never settles.
Fall In
October 26 - December 13, 2009
With Annie Onyi Cheung, Sophie Bélair Clément, Gillian Collyer, Zev Farber, Alison S. M. Kobayashi, Ryan Park, Roula Partheniou, Joshua Schwebel and Josh Thorpe
Curated by Christof Migone
Fall In follows Fall Out, literally. For Fall In, nine artists have been invited to produce works in response to the works presented in Fall Out. The works will be presented alongside the 'original' works. The two exhibitions are thus entwined in a chain reaction. As the dominos fall, an immediate genealogy emerges.
Fall Out
Fall Out Fall In
Fall Out Fall In Fall Through
Fall Out Fall In Fall Through Fall From
Fall Out Fall In Fall Through Fall From Fall To
Fall Out Fall In Fall Through Fall From Fall To Fall With
Fall Out Fall In Fall Through Fall From Fall To Fall With Fall Under
Sunday Sept. 20, 11:30-5:30pm
ARTBus Tour
Bus departs at 11:30am from OCAD (100 McCaul St) for Oakville Galleries, Blackwood Gallery and Art Gallery of Mississauga. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Cost: $10. To register, please call 905-844-4402 by Friday Sept. 18.
Sunday Sept. 27, 12-5pm
FREE Contemporary Art Bus Tour
Starting at noon at the ROM (100 Queen's Park) with exhibition tours organized by the Institute for Contemporary Culture and the Koffler Gallery, bus departs for Doris McCarthy Gallery, Art Gallery of York University and Blackwood Gallery. To reserve a seat, please call 416-638-1881 ext.4270 by Friday Sept. 25.
Sunday Oct 18, 10–4pm
Regional Art Bus Tour
Tour starts at 10am of the Art Gallery of Mississauga, then departs for the Art Gallery of Peel, Gallery Streetsville and the Blackwood Gallery and returns to the Mississauga Civic Centre at 4pm. Coffee and refreshments will be provided and there will be free time for lunch in Streetsville (lunch is not provided). Free underground parking available at the Mississauga Civic Centre. Cost: $15. To register, please call 905-896-5088 by Friday Oct.16.
Sunday Nov. 8, 12-5pm
FREE Contemporary Art Bus Tour
Starting at noon at the ROM (100 Queen's Park) with exhibition tours organized by the Institute for Contemporary Culture and the Koffler Gallery, bus departs for Doris McCarthy Gallery, Art Gallery of York University and Blackwood Gallery. To reserve a seat, please call 416-287-7007 by Friday Nov. 6.
For more information, call 905-828-3789 or visit www.blackwoodgallery.ca
Support generously provided by The Canada Council for the Arts, University of Toronto Student Housing and Residence Life (Mississauga) and The Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Blackwood Gallery
University of Toronto Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Rd. N.
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6
FREE shuttle tickets to UTM are available upon request at the Justina M. Barnicke Gallery.
Come and get’ em! (Supplies are limited.)
Gallery Hours
Monday to Friday: 11-5pm
Sunday: 1–4pm
closed Saturdays and on civic holidays
Photo credit: Erika Kierulf, Jonathan, from Untitled (Studies for Breathe), 2006
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