Sunday, March 15, 2009

A&AH Students Awards @ UT ART Cente

Asal Asalman, Jennifer Chan, Gurpreet Sehra, Johnson Ngo, Jennifer Chan and Mallory Diaczun participated in the exhibition BOTH/AND organized by UT Art Centre Curator Sunny Kerr, which opened in the University of Toronto Art Centre Art Lounge on February 12.

The brief outlining the call for student entries was as follows: “We believe that today’s experiences of constant crossing of cultural and geographic boundaries intensify exchange and make people open to others’ values, beliefs and worldviews. Inter-cultural experiences can have a transformative effect that is central to this exhibition that asks: what is beyond multiculturalism?

Best Overall Quality Award went to Grupreet Sehra, and Mallory Diaczun won the Best Control of Medium Award.

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